jeudi 10 septembre 2015

an old angels refuge

When I go to the brocante, I always try not to buy broken things. Today was not exception… at least not untill I discovered these little cherubs in the bottom of a box marked “1 euros/ piece”. I can see me holding these 2 in my hands and thinking: “No, absolute NO, you are not going to buy these! Ofcourse they are late Victorian, but they are so damaged! No, you can not do anything with these ruins!”. Meanwhile, my inconscious other Me had already found 2 euros in my pocket and was handling them to the dealer. They were bought while a part of me was still trying to persuade me that this was not a good buy, you know with argument like “the house is already so filled!”, “keep your money for something better”, “they are irreparable”, “You are not going to pay that! They can only be given for free, in such a state!”… Too late, they were bought. And found their place as soon as I got back home, in that old concreet vase, with fallen leaves and green moss. I love them there, even with their broken wings. Aren’t they lovely? They might well stay there for a while, even after Haloween…

Dear little angel, never never never loose hope and faith! Even with broken wings, there is a lovely place for you in this world… 

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