mardi 20 novembre 2012

Edwardians Church drapes.

Since last spring, I am the proud owner of these amazing antique mourning drapes. These came to me all together while I was intending to find curtains for my bathroom. Yes, my bathroom!
Let me explain this to you. When we renovated the bathroom, I choose to have one wall covered with branches of Magnolia on a black background. I found that "touch of black" very smart and I even add a few: I painted the window frame in glossy black, I bought black towels and black accessories. My other walls were painted in that soft tone of gold from Levis and I was very proud of the overal effect. Not too black, not too depressive, may I dare to say "distinguished"? Yes, I was (and I am) very proud of it.

And then, one idea sprung out from my mind. I suddenly thaught that finding antique black velvet to use as curtains could be the final touch to that room and could make a nice decoration for my window. I already had that in mind since a few week and had already been asking this to several dealers but no one could provide me with that velvet. So, when I saw that box on the Place du Jeu de Balles,my favorite playground and fleamarket in town, I didn't even hesitate a second and bought the all lot.

Well done: since then, these drapes are in the attic! They are as heavy as a dead donkey, I almost died on the way back to home ( I never use the car when I go to Brussels, so I had to carry the box from the Jeu de Balles to the station, and then from the station to home). They are far to long to be used in the room (Me cutting antique textile? No way!). And most of all, I finally turned out to be too superstitious to hang these at the window.

So after many congratulations from my friends, familly and relatives, sitting on that box with my broken spinal column and still no curtains in the bathroom, I only wanted to cry. Madame la Marquise is not a drama queen but this was the dramatical part of that story. She finally found antique green velvet from Tina for the curtains. And the mourning drapes, well, if they are not good for the project that I first had in mind, I must admit that they really are gorgeous.

I don't think that this is a common thing to find such antiques liturgical fabrics. Ofcourse, I might be wrong on that point and they are not in perfect condition... But have a look at all that silver metallic trim and lace! They are meters and meters! Have a look at these embroidered patterns! Such good quantities of antique textile to find a new life for! Stunning! I'm pretty sure that you will love it and be happy to buy these from my ebay listing. Aren't you?

vendredi 9 novembre 2012

Birthday present?...Or not?!?

Yesterday, I saw these two small watercolors in an Antiques shop... Since that moment I can't think about something else.

Are they going to be a birthday present? A Christmas present? Are they going to be a birthday present AND a Christmas present (everything's so expensive in the Sablon area).

Gosh, I would like to have these!

Passementerie addict

Nineteenth century Passementerie curtains tie back.
From a freshly emptied Belgian chateau, this had been lying there in the attic for decades (well, the dealer told me so...)

No in perfect condition but soooooo colorful and sooooooo lovely ( to my eyes, ofcourse, I understand that some may desagree.)
I bought the all lot.
Am I nut?

Can't tell... Can't tell neither what I am going to do with these pieces ( might they find a place as Christmas ornament on the Christmas tree?) but I think that I'll keep everything for myself.

mardi 6 novembre 2012

Item of the week

Yes, yes, I know... I know: as some of you did certainly notice, I had better named that series "Item of the month". I have no excuses for having let you wait so long but as the weather was quite good here, I spend several day's outside: there is now a lot of work in the garden, lots of planting that I wanted to be done, lots of lots of fallen leaves to collect (to make the best leaf-mould to add to the borders next Autumn), and of course, the last sunshine before the real frosts. So, a lot of things to do and to enjoy outside. But today is really too cold and damp, so I'm back with my blog...

Today, I'm going to show you some porcelain. Here we are, this is a picture of one of my favorite cupboard of the house, and it is filled with my favorite dinner set.

Once again, you are thinking that I was very lucky to find such a complete set. This is not all false, but you need to know that this was a very special quest (like that bearded bloke that was searching for a kind of goblet... or was it called a grail?!? Anyway...)

It all begins years ago when I met My Dear Madeleine. We were not yet friends and this was the first time that I bought antiques from her. I went to her place, a very secret and strange house in the middle of the woods, with fierce dogs standing guard. And there, I discovered one of the best and complete collections of porcelain coffee set. Madeleine was passionate about coffee services and had been focusing on gathering the ones that were produced in Belgium in the early years of the 1900's (especially the ones from Baudour Defuisseaux). She is still collecting these today but at that time, her display cabinet was already close to explosion and she was ok to sell some of her "Enfants Chéris". I then choose one, and we started to wrap it in newspaper. This was only a coffee set, so coffee pot, sugar bowl, milk jug, twelve cups, saucers and dessert plates. Honestly, no one could have noticed that there was something missing... But I came back home with my precious set, walking on a cloud. Since then, this is my favorite. I only use it for my birthday parties (like a Marquise in her boudoir) and I could kill the one who is not raving about it! So, you are warned!

And this summer, I went to see a freshly opened antiques shop when I fall on an amazing dinner set. In fact this is a double one, wearing the same flowers than my coffee set: a so lovely and romantic bunch of lilac and lily of the valley. I had to have it: I can't tell you how much I have been hoping for such a find. Even in my wildest dreams, I think that I wouldn’t have believed it! And this is such a complete set. There is everything, even the tiny fragile porcelain spoon used for mustard! Condition is great, which is not spoiling anything!

I think that this year I will have a dinner AND a tea time on my birthday. Who's in?

And I forgot to tell: when I bought the dinner set, I first had to store it in the attic! All my cupboard were full (I think that Madeleine was a very bad example to me!) and I only managed to get the set here 3 weeks ago.

Oui, oui, oui, je sais… Je sais : comme certains d’entre vous me l’ont déjà si judicieusement signalé, j’aurais mieux fait d’intituler cette série « objet du mois » ! Je n’ai aucune excuse pour vous avoir fait languir aussi longtemps mais le fait est qu’au vu des conditions atmosphérique clémentes de ces derniers jours, j’ai passé pas mal de temps au jardin. Il y avait encore quelques plantations prévues, des feuilles mortes à ramasser et bien sûr il fallait aussi simplement profiter de ces derniers rayons de soleil avant le froid. Beaucoup de choses à faire donc et un peu de bon temps à passer. Mais aujourd’hui est vraiment trop froid et trop humide, je suis donc de retour avec mon blog.

Aujourd’hui, je vais vous montrer de la porcelaine. Voilà, nous y sommes : ceci est une photo de l’armoire qui abrite mon service de table préféré.
A nouveau, vous songez sans doute que j’ai eu beaucoup de chance de trouver un tel service. Ce n’est pas tout à fait faux, mais je dois préciser aussi que ce fut là une « quête » de longue haleine (un peu comme celle de l’autre barbu qui cherchait une casserole sacrée… ou aurais-je dû l’appeler un « grâle » ?!? Qu’importe…)

Tout a commencé il y a de longues années. A l’époque, je venais de rencontrer ma Madeleine Chérie et nous n’étions pas encore amis. C’était la première fois que j’avais l’occasion d’acheter de ses antiquités et aussi la première fois que je découvrais son repère. Une étrange et discrète maison au milieu des bois, gardée par un chien méchant et effrayant, montant la garde. Là, j’ai découvert la plus complète et la plus étonnante des collections de services à café en porcelaine. Madeleine avait une passion immodérée pour ces objets et elle avait rassemblé patiemment des dizaines ( !) de pièces, se focalisant principalement sur les productions Belge de Baudour Defuisseaux des années 1900.
Elle les collectionne toujours aujourd’hui mais à l’époque déjà, son armoire, une splendide vitrine provenant d’une chapellerie Gantoise, était proche de l’explosion. A ce moment là, elle était d’accord de me vendre l’un ou l’autre de ces « enfants chéris » et j’ai donc choisi un set que nous avons directement emballé dans du papier journal. Ce service était composé d’une cafetière, d’un sucrier, d’un pot à lait et d’une douzaine de tasses, sous-tasses et assiettes à dessert et pourtant, personne n’aurait pu dire qu’il manquait quelque chose dans la précieuse armoire. Je suis pourtant rentré chez moi chargé du divin set et comme marchant sur des nuages. Depuis lors, ce service est mon préféré, et telle une marquise dans son boudoir, je ne l’utilise que le jour de mon anniversaire, prêt à étrangler celui qui oserait ne pas s’extasier devant sa tasse. Voilà, vous êtes prévenus !
Cet été, par un bel après-midi de juillet, je suis tombé sur ce surprenant service à dîner, couvert des même fleurs que mon service à café, des bouquets romantiques et opulents de lilas et de muguets. Ce service est exceptionnel par son état et par le nombre de pièces : c’est un exemple complet, toutes les assiettes, toutes les pièces de forme et même la minuscule et fragile cuillère à moutarde. Je devais l’acheter : même dans mes rêves les plus fous je n’avais pas osé trouver un tel ensemble !

Cette année donc, pour mon annif’, je donnerai un dîner ET un goûter ! Qui sera là ?

Oui, j’oubliais de vous dire : lorsque j’ai ramené ce service, toutes mes armoires étant bondées ( Madeleine a sans doute été pour moi un très mauvais exemple !), j’ai dû l’entreposer au grenier ! Il n’y a que quelques jours qu’il trône fièrement dans mon armoire !