jeudi 27 décembre 2012

Christmas tree of the week...

Since I was a child, I’m a real Christmas tree lover. As far as I can remember, I’ve always been attracted by its wonderful scent (at least for the real one!), its twinkle lights and its (often) (very) kitsch ornaments. On one day, I even started a collection of antique Christmas baubles. The problem was that for me, as you already know, items have to be used. So, I proudly once decorated my Christmas tree with my collection of baubles.

Do you have a cat at home? Cats and glass shining and breakable baubles aren’t ever going to be friends; this is what I learned then. I almost cried when I saw half my collection in pieces on the floor and I remember considering some days of national mourning. This did not happens but I instantly stopped that useless (and expensive) collection (Since then, I’m an antique lampshades collectors. Gosh, am I completely nut telling you this? Anyway…)

This was a little introduction to my new “Item of the week”… That time, I’m proudly showing you some pictures of my 2012 Christmas tree.




And another one of my tumbled down 2012 Christmas tree (I found it like that arriving back home, and as I’m now writing, it is still lying on the ground)

Grandma used to say: “il vaut mieux en rire!” ( = it is better to laugh about it). I’m still wondering what it’ll be looking like when standing again.


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