jeudi 26 février 2015

"I've got something for you... I think..."

Pfffff, what a weekend it has been! Yes, I know, we are almost done with the week and I'm still talking about my previous weekend... It simply was a good one and I'm still happy thinking about the great times that I had then.

You certainly guessed it: I went to the brocante! Well done, yes, I did, and I even did twice! First on Saturday and then on Sunday...

To be honnest, the Saturday one was a bit "by chance" but nevertheless I found one or two lovely items. A bit of textile, a few antique Christmas baubles and a pair of antique bronze curtain holders... but what a pair!!! 

The tiniest ones I've ever seen! They are so lovely, holding in one's hand, and they are simply gorgeous. I'm still trying to find a window here at Papignies where I could use them but I'm slightly coming at the end that I haven't enough windows here... But... Hands off!!! They 'll stay in my "trésor" for a while, we never know, I could (and I will!) find a use for them here!

I also bought that little cover, with satin threads and patterns of roses. The color is a sweet "Paris pink", very girly... Maybe not a very rare design but I had never seen it in that color before.

On Sunday, I went to another brocante where I should met a dealer friend... as was agreed week before. To start at the beginning, I had met her two weeks ago when she told me about some antique textiles that she had set away for me. 

"I've got something for you, I think..." she said. And we agreed then to meet a few day's later at the fair where I was this Sunday and where she would have brought with her the famous textiles. Very good, isn't it? Well, the fact is that I completely had forgotten... 

Don't know what I had in mind but it was gone. Textiles? Which textiles? For who? For Me?!? What a strange idea!

So I was there, Sunday, lost in my confused mind and thinking about the spring garden flowers when someone catch my arm:
"At least you're here! I was slightly worried and even began to think that you would not come anymore!!! But I manage to bring these textiles and I even refuse to sell them yesterday as I was waiting for you!" 

(So, I had forgotten about these textiles, and I even was wrong with the date! It was the day before that I should have been there!)

Ashamed, embarassed and lost in my apologies, I look at the pieces that she had brought for me... And gosh! I'm so happy that she did wait for me! So happy!

"I've got something for you,I think..." she said! But you were thinking right Madame! Absolutely! I take everything! And this is how I managed to buy all these fabrics this weekend... Do you want to see? Here are some pictures...

I've got something for you,I think...

Vintage huge "Toile de Jouy" Curtains, padded bedcover with roses and ribbons, doily, tablecloth, gold metallic fabric, embroidered seat covers, wall hangings, ....

Pfffff, what a weekend it has been!

mardi 17 février 2015

Patterned life...

Brocante after brocante, I love them more and more... And you, what do you think about patterns?

This week, as we had a generous winter (!) sun, I've been lucky enough to go to the Brussels Flea-market on Thursday... and on Friday. Two very different day's, with very different treasures but at each time a feast for my patterns greedy eyes!

Roses, Flowers, Lilacs, Scrolls,... I love them all...

Here are pictures of my new cherished ones. 
Some are to be found on antique boxes, or inside some antique trunk...on a vintage huge lampshade or even on a kitsh sixties electric plates warmer... 

mardi 10 février 2015

RED, RED, RED.........

Valentines'day might well be for in a couple of days but this is only a coincidence... 
A pure coincidence, really...

It's only a coincidence if these last days I found some red items...

I've been dreaming of it since a while but I finally found it! An old sofa with period velvet! I knew it would be great in the boudoir de la Marquise!

The next day, I wasn't shopping for antiques, just having a little walk in Mons (2015 European Capital of Culture ) when I came in front of that antique shop. I haven't been there for so long that I didn't resist, opened the doors and went right trough the shop to their antique fabric "shelf". These were there composedly waiting for me: a quartet of antique quilts in red printed fabric. Couldn't leave them there...Could I?

Only a coincidence, only a good luck, only a chance...

A dear friend told me a few days ago: "You attract what you love the most!" However can you guess that green is my fav color? It really is!

All the while, the Marquise under her red quilt on her red sofa is reading a red book in her red room... Not drinking red wine, no: she prefer strawberry juice. Better for her diet.