mercredi 7 mai 2014

Madame Alfred Carrière...

Do you know Madame Alfred Carrière? 

She is the jewel in my garden... 

It is an old rose discovered in 1879. A Victorian plant, yes it is... and great for vases too!

Some grow it as a climber but it is a huge and vigourous plant that I believe at its best used as a big opulent shrub... 

It has long arched stems that are now covered with fragrant blooms, off-white color on a light green folliage. 

My favourite, for sure, and it repeat flowering all summer.

As romantic inside as outside...

Madame Alfred Carrière, do you want to be forever in my garden?

Be sure to grow it in yours... Did I mention that it is an almost thorn-less rose? And it is also a good rose for shady area...

dimanche 4 mai 2014

I did it again...

Ben de Papignies this morning at the brocante, 7.00 a.m.:

"I would like to buy the tablecloth... Yes, the tablecloth there, under all your beautiful antique items! Yes, that one, please. No, I'm not interested by the other and I would like to buy it for a ridiculously low price please!"

I did it again and it worked. The seller first had to move all his precious knickknacks and trinkets and then he was able to handle me the precious fabric. 

Well, I should be used to this as this was not the first time but It always leave me speechless when it works... and as far as I can remember, no seller did ever refused and I love my new antique tablecloth... Here are some pics, with some today's discoveries.


vendredi 2 mai 2014

Sunday petite Brocante...

Last Sunday, we were selling at a local flea market... It was a great day with good sales, funny peoples, friendly customers and great organisers. Many thanks to all of you.

Here are some pics taken by my Dear friend Mélanie, who was selling there too. We are planning to be back there on the 7th of September...