dimanche 29 décembre 2013

After the storm...

After the storm, there is always sun...

This was true today, the sun was bright and shiny and even allowed me to take pictures of my latest finds in the garden.

I recently bought a nice batch of antique plaster statues. Some will stay here, at Papignies while some others are now for sale in my Etsy listing.

Best wishes for the latest part of 2013...

lundi 23 décembre 2013

Christmas at Papignies, 2013...

There is now a tempest all accross Europe, and Papignie is not spare by that awfull wheather. When there is a bit of strong wind, I'm always worried for a few trees of the garden ( the ones that Gabrielle planted ofcourse!)in particular for the big weeping willow and also for a big unusual holly with yellow fruits... So I try to think about something else, as there is nothing that can be done about that wind...But I hate it!

It's almost Christmas. I love Christmas, especially when the house is nice, clean and tidy (sometimes, it isn't...). Here are some pics of the house dressed up for that wonderful time of the year...

jeudi 19 décembre 2013

Bye bye...

A few weeks ago, I sold that wonderful tapestry...

Although I had no place for it here, I was a bit sad to let it go. I quite liked that peaceful landscape but what I loved above all was its soft faded colors. It also have great details (please click on pictures to enlarge)
It arrived safely in the USA and it now have a new proud and happy owner, in a beautiful home. I'm glad in fact.


Earlier this year, I also let that antique brilliant gloves box leave me for a new home. It was sold to a great textile designer and I sometimes humbly imagine that it has now pride of place in his personal collection of antique fabric. Have a look at these stunning colors...

And here are some other items that I really liked this year and for whitch I'm finally proud to have found a new loving home...