Winter is long, isn't it Dear? I'm so impatient to get back for good to the Garden. Of course my sweet-peas are already sown and I already began to remove the growing nettles from my flower beds... But there is still so much to do. I'm not complaining, as i have a lot of things to do inside too, but I guess that, like most of us, I can't dream about something else than the warm sunshine...
I have been silent for month now. Simply speechless, I had nothing of great importance to tell and if I didn't share more pictures on my blog, it was only because I was focusing on my eBay sales. Slowly but surely, it has been a year now that I'm in that business. The first birthday often comes with the first balance sheet and... I'm more than happy! Of course there have been some disappointments but I'm only keeping in mind the good things! I had the chance to sell some very nice item to very happy and pleased buyers, I already have some loyal customers and above all, I love doing this, selling antiques on the web. It's a very simple way of sharing passion with peoples, of meeting new peoples, and of course to ensure the future of lovely items. The pleasure is all mine, and I really would like to thank all of you, all my customers, all my readers and all my friends. A big thank you to all of you!
Last week, I met Isabelle. She is, I think, already a new friend. As soon as we started to speak (about antiques, of course!) I had the impression of knowing her for years. Funny things happens! We are sharing the same passion for antiques and we cannot not imagine to live our lives without lovely items at our sides. I mean, it has nothing to do with money or with value or even with taste. As long as you are surrounded by things that you like it's easier to take a break. Close that depressing newspaper, turn that telly off, and please do nothing else than enjoy, at least for a while.
Yes, I have been silent for months. But this doesn't mean that I simply hibernate. I made some renovations here at Papignies, and I had a new bedroom finished. Do you want to see? Here are some pics "en primeur"! Cheers.